Find a person in Germany

If you are looking for a person in Germany, use our People Search Germany Service. We will find the address for you.
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People search Germany | Trace family in Germany | Locate debtors in Germany

There can be many reasons why a person is sought in Germany.

Typical examples are:

  • ✓ Relatives to whom the contact was lost
  • ✓ Friends from youth
  • ✓ Students from the study period
  • ✓ German heirs
  • ✓ Old school friends and classmates
  • ✓ German debtors
  • ✓ Old friends
  • ✓ Family members
  • ✓ Business partners from Germany that you cannot find
  • ✓ An old flame
  • ✓ Important witnesses, for example, for court ruling
People Search - A Plus Detectives search people in Germany as here in Cologne.

There are many other reasons for wanting to find someone. However the background to your search is: in most cases, a private detective can help you find the one that you are looking for in our country. When searching for a person, the private detective determines the current address of the person being sought in Germany.

No central register in Germany for a people search

In Germany there is no central registry of the entire population. In fact, each city and larger municipality has its own reporting area. In most cities, this reporting centre is called “Bürgerbüro” or “Bürgeramt” in German language.

Previously, the name was used for the local residents’ office. Hundreds of them exist throughout Germany. If one does not know in which city the target being sought lives, it may be difficult for one to find the address without professional help.

The search for the new address of people across Germany by private detectives

The detective agency Condor can carry out a people search all over the Federal Republic Germany. No matter where somebody lives – our private investigators extend the search to the entire federal territory. We serve all major towns and cities, as well as all the other places. For example:

In fact, you can now try to find many people yourself over the Internet. Sometimes it works.

Search engines such as Google (try Google Deutschland) or Bing help in the same way as social networks. Xing, Facebook or LinkedIn are a good source for the search query.

Also the phone book (Das Telefonbuch is the German word for that directory also known as white pages) or Yasni can be useful options.

You can also ask at Deutsche Post AG.

In many cases, however, you will not have a chance to find the people you are looking for. This may be because the name is too frequent, you have too few initial data, or the person is simply not listed anywhere. That is why it is good to know that private investigators in Germany can also be a great help in such cases, to find someone.

Looking for German companies? Yellow Pages (Gelbe Seiten) makes searching for a business simple. If there is no information or number just ask our private investigators. We’ll take care of the search.

Free quote for people searches in Germany

First of all, it is necessary that you provide us with all the data you know from the one you are looking for. After that, a detective can assess how much effort is required for the search. You will then receive an offer with which price the people search will be connected.

In many cases, you will receive an offer in which you have to pay a basic price which varies from case to case. If the person is found, the success has occurred. An additional successor bonus is then calculated. This is dependent on the effort and difficulty of the search.

If the person you are looking for has already passed away, we can, if desired, try to find the tomb. This will result in a further fee. If the death is determined, the succeeding person’s payment is also due because the private detective no longer has a chance to find the target.

The more information you provide about the one you are looking for, the greater the success probability and the lower the cost.

By the way – we are also your professional people finder in

  • France
  • Austria
  • Switzerland
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Hungary
  • Turkey
  • Italy
  • Czech Republic
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
  • United Kingdom
  • and many other European countries.

We search by name and location.

Send us now all the data that you have on the subject that you are looking for or call us on the German phone number

1. Sie schildern uns Ihr Anliegen über das Kontaktformular, per Telefon oder per E-Mail. Jede Anfrage wird streng vertraulich behandelt.

2. Wir prüfen Ihren Fall umgehend und melden uns schnellstmöglich bei Ihnen zurück. In der Regel erfolgt eine Antwort noch am Tag der Anfrage.

3. Im Rahmen einer kostenfreien Erstberatung prüfen wir Ihre Handlungsoptionen und finden gemeinsam die für Sie sinnvollste Lösung.
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